Browser data processing benchmarks
Dataset details - 301mb uncompressed, 74mb parquet zstd (Arquero, DuckDB),
100mb Gzip DB (SQLite), 1,000,000 rows, 24 columns
Warning: Inserts and updates are very slow for SQLite OPFS (expect >30s).
Test |
Fetch data |
Load data |
Test 1: SELECT top level metrics - overall count, mean and total
Test 2: SELECT group by day and count daily sales and total
Test 3: SELECT for each item type, slug type combination the top 5
countries by overall counts
Test 4: SELECT 10 random rows |
Test 5: CREATE an index |
Test 6: SELECT 1000 random rows with an index |
Test 7: UPDATE 2 fields in 1000 rows with an index |
Test 8: INSERT 1000 rows with an index |
Test 9: DELETE 1000 rows with an index |